Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Juxtaposition Exercise

1st Exercise
Choose three pairs of number from group one and three pairs of number from group two. Merge each pair of them together. Write a sentence by using the words given and draw pictures for each of the group.

0. Flower 9.Head
1.Lightning 8.Rain
2.Ice 7.Wood
3.Light 6.Tree
4.Fire 5.Spider
5.Duck 4.Root
6.Dog 3.Mountain
7.Oil 2.Wind
8.Leave 1.Rock
9.Fly 0.Water

The number I picked is 77, 03, and 98.

77 = Oil and Wood
03 = Flower and Mountain
98 = Fly and Rain

Oil and wood :
He boiled the oil using wood

Flower and mountain :
He found a flower on the mountain

Fly and rain :
The airplane decided to fly in the rain

Mortar and Pestle

This week, the lecturer talked about mortar and pestle.

We had a class exercise related to mortar and pestle this week. We had to choose 3 words from the mindmap that Mr Radzi Bedu showed and write sort of like a story that relates the 3 words to mortar and pestle.
1st. I chose Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt created the mortar and pestle as a sculpture art.

2nd. I chose married. Mortar and pestle were used as a symbol of being married. Man give woman pestle, woman give man mortar.

3rd. I chose game. Mortar and pestle were used for traditional game. Wear mortar on head, wield pestle as a weapon on hand.
Then, players will have to hit the mortar on opponent's head until it breaks to win.